[1] 次の英文を読み,その主旨を90~110字の日本語で述べなさい。句読点も字数に含めます。
The basic question that I should like to consider is this: Why are scientists in many cases so deeply interested in their work? Is it merely because it is useful? It is only necessary to talk to such scientists to discover that the utilitarian possibilities of their work are generally of secondary interest to them. Something else is primary. What is it?
Is it then that the scientist likes to solve puzzles? Does he want to get a “kick” out of meeting the challenge of explaining a natural process, by showing it works? Of course, a scientist may often find this aspect of his work enjoyable. Nevertheless, such enjoyment has properly to come as a by-product of something else that goes much deeper than this. Indeed, if a scientist worked mainly in order to get hold of such pleasures and continue them as long as possible, his activity would be not only rather meaningless and trivial, but also contrary to what is needed for carrying out his research effectively.
It seems, then, that the answer to the question of why the scientists are so deeply interested in their work is not to be found on such a superficial level. Scientists are seeking something that is much more significant to them than pleasure. One aspect of what this something might be can be indicated by noting that the search is ultimately aimed at the discovery of something new that had previously been unknown. But, of course, it is not merely the novel experience of working on something different and out of the ordinary that the scientist wants – this would indeed be little more than another kind of “kick.” Rather, what he is really seeking is to learn something new that has a certain fundamental kind of significance: a hitherto unknown lawfulness in the order of nature, which exhibits unity in a broad range of phenomena. Thus, he wishes to find in the reality in which he lives a certain oneness and totality, or wholeness, constituting a kind of harmony that is felt to be beautiful.
[出典:David Bohm, On Creativity, 1998]
[2] 次の和文を読み,下線部分を英語に翻訳しなさい。
it is wasteful to make such use of the Internet, in which many people can interact with each other, expressing their various backgrounds, experience, and personalities.
/ they should use the Internet more wisely, where various people can interact with each other, expressing their different backgrounds, experience, and individuality.
/ we should not make such poor use of the Internet, in which many people can interact with each other and express their various backgrounds, experience, and personalities.
/ it is wasteful to use in such a poor way the Internet, in which many people can interact with each other, expressing their diverse backgrounds, experience, and individuality.