2023年度 大阪大学 第1問 英文和訳 解答例


(A) 残りのカロリーは動物界に由来するものであり,だいたい10分の1が動物の脂肪や内臓を含む肉から,さらにその残りが卵や乳,そして海産物から来ている。我々が口にする肉もまた自然界から来ている。ただし,このことはもはや厳密には正しくない。というのも,今では世界の食肉生産の大半は自然的というよりも工業的な印象があるからだ。

(問題文:An average person on planet Earth today acquires most of their energy from the plant kingdom: more than 80 per cent of humanity's calories intake consists of various kinds of grains and produce. The remaining calories come from the animal kingdom - roughly a tenth from meat, including animal fat and organs, and the rest from eggs and milk, and seafood. The meat we eat also comes from nature - although this is no longer strictly true now that much of the world's meat production looks more like industry than nature.)

[出典:Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne. Translated by Lucy Moffatt. 2021. Tapestries of life: Uncovering the lifesaving secrets of the natural world.]

(B) 歴史的に見ると,創造的な人間に対する我々の考え方は変化しており,ある特定の個人や職業,もしくは活動が他よりも創造的であるとみなされやすくなったのは,それぞれ異なる時代においてである。しかし,創造的な人間を「際立たせる」ものや彼らの革新を起こす能力を促進するものに対して世間一般が関心を抱くことは,時代を通じて変わらないままである。

(問題文:Ideas about creativity are as old as humanity even if the word 'creativity', in English at least, has been documented only since the 19th century. This is because the act of creating something is a defining characteristic of human beings. Historically, our appreciation for creative individuals has changed and, at different moments in time, certain individuals, professions, or activities have been more easily recognized as creative than others. But the general fascination for what makes creative people 'stand out' and what fuels their capacity to innovate remains constant through the ages.)

[出典:Glaveanu, Vlad. 2021. Creativity: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press]


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