Ⅰ [出典:"How far would you go to be able to smile?", Mosaic, by Neil Steinberg]
(1) 二 (the meaning of a smile depends on an interpretation)
(2) ロ (in some countries tested, a smiling face did not help gaining people's trust)
(3) ハ (lacking)
(4) 二 (is unable to frown or move his eyes sideways)
(5) イ (accept)
(6) ロ (are more likely than grownups to suffer emotionally)
(7) ハ (it takes longer for us to recognize a fearful face than a smiling one)
(8) 二 (evolved into language over time)
(9) イ (the human smile has the same basic meaning across cultures)
(10) ロ (What's in a Smile?)
(和訳文:Recognizing fear is fundamental to survival.)
Ⅱ [出典:Wild Nights by Benjamin Reiss, Basic Books]
(1) イ (introduce an experiment by Nathaniel Kleitman.)
(2) 二 (capable of being controlled)
(3) ハ (influenced by the needs of corporations)
(4) ロ (fixed)
(5) 二 (helped to establish the field of chronobiology)
(6) イ (subjects' body functions stayed connected to sleep-wake cycles)
(7) ロ (irregular)
(8) ハ (for flexible sleep patterns)
(9) 二 (there are still many things about sleep that scientists don't understand)
(10) ロ (Sleep: Is There an Ideal Pattern?)
(1) 二 (Taking)
(2) ロ (scarcely)
(3) 二 (which)
(4) ロ (blame)
(5) ロ (beyond)
(6) ロ (kept)
(7) ロ (have)
(8) イ (be available)
(1) 二 (You're kidding me!)
(2) 二 (Okay, I'll be back tomorrow.)
(3) ロ (Can't we do it over the phone)
(4) 二 (I really can't say yet)
(1) time
(2) point
(3) value
(4) To
(5) everyone