2017年度 防衛医科大学校 解答例



(1) 3

(2) 4

(3) 4

(4) 1

(5) 4

(6) 4

(7) 3

(8) 1

(9) 5

(10) 2

(11) 5

(12) 4

(13) 2

(14) 5

(15) 5



(1) hoped

(2) おそらく,そこに海があるからだ。

(和訳文:Because it is there, presumably.)

(3) イエス=キリスト

(4) 普通の人は池の水面を歩くのが下手だ。

(和訳文:average human makes a poor pond pedestrian)

(5) [6] surface [7] tension




(7) 初日に嵐に見舞われたから。(13字)

(1) D (obscure)

(2) C (hoofbeats)

(3) B (horses)

(4) E (runny)

(5) H (run-of-the-mill)

(6) F (unless)

(7) J (mill)

(8) G (might)

(9) I (having)

(10) A (zebra)


(1) 第3段落の後

(1) 1. whether 2. as 3. that 4. have 5. it 

(2) その研究結果が統計的に重要であることを確かめるためには,より多くのサンプルが必要となる。

(和訳文:a larger sample is required to ensure the results are statistically significant.)



タイトル:Can plants make our future bright?

 / Swedish Engineers Open Up New Possibilities of Plants


(1) 1. Compared 2. taking 3. those 4. who 5. increased

(2) Negative news articles directly caused 2 percent of heart attacks and 1 percent of cases of cardiovascular illness. (18 words)

 / One to two percent of heart attacks and cardiovascular cases result directly from the negative news. (16 words)

(1) [1] 7 [2] 1 [3] 9 [4] 2 [5] 10 [6] 6 [7] 4 [8] 5 [9] 3 [10] 8

(2) The ninth planet could be hidden in our solar system. (10 words)

 / Is the Hidden Massive Object the Ninth Planet? (8 words)


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