2018年度 早稲田大学 法学部 解答例

(1) C・E・G・H・I

(2) B・D・E・H・I

(3) C

(4) E

(5) 1.A 2.D 3.B

(1) 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.A 6.E

(2) A・E・H・I

(3) 1.B 2.B 3.A

(4) 1.D 2.E 3.C

(1) B (she was possible → she was able)

(2) B (I would like to congratulate you to be successful → I would like to congratulate on your success)

(3) A (What made that film interested to me → What made that film interesting to me)

(4) D (caring for your ill mother → caring for your sick mother)

(1) E (Usually)

(2) E (on)

(3) D (in)

(4) D (pay)

(1) A (about)

(2) G (on)

(3) H (to)

(4) F (of)

(5) C (by)

(1) A printed book is much preferred to an e-book in terms of sharing books with other people.

 / When it comes to sharing books with others, nearly three times as many people prefer printed books as those who choose e-books.

(2) A printed book and an e-book are almost equally preferred when read in bed.

 / According to the graph, the proportion of those who prefer reading printed books in bed is almost the same as that of those who prefer e-books.

 I like a printed book better than an e-book and I have two specific reasons for that. First, in my opinion, it is easier to understand and remember what is written in a printed book than in an e-book. I think this is because printed books have each individual binding and format, which helps us to distinguish one book from another. On the other hand, you have to read any e-books with the same single tablet, so it is hard to get different impressions of different books. Second, there are many people who love collecting books on their bookshelves. They enjoy their books in the sense of sight, touch, and smell. You cannot experience such pleasure in an e-book. For these two reasons, I much prefer printed books to e-books. (130 words)

(設問:Do you prefer printed books or e-books? In a paragraph, explain your answer giving at least two specific reasons.)


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