2018年度 法政大学 グローバル教養学部 解答例


(1) b

(2) a

(3) c

(4) b

(5) c

(6) b

Ⅱ [出典:The Rhyme of History: Lessons of the Great War by Margaret Mac Millan, 2013 ]

(1) ..., the immigrants [ became one of the most important customers ] for the film industry in the United States.

(2) Therefore, the last Ice Age [ might have driven Neanderthals to extinction ].

 / Therefore, the last Ice Age [ could have made Neanderthals disappear ].

(3) ... nations that might otherwise [ have never thought about such a thing ].

 / ... nations that might otherwise [ have never been tempted to do so ]

 / ... nations that might otherwise [ have been on friendly terms with each other ].

(1) b

(2) d

(3) b

(4) d

(5) c

(6) c

Ⅳ [出典:The Economist ]


(A) f

(B) d

(C) h

(D) a

(E) g

(F) c


(ⅰ) e

(ⅱ) c

(ⅲ) a

(ⅳ) d

3. d

4. d

5. c


(A) b

(B) c

(C) f

(D) h

(E) a

(F) e

(G) g

(H) d

2. b

3. d

4. a

5. b

6. b

Ⅵ [出典:Sasha Raspopina. Skate USSR: discover the Soviet subculture you never knew existed ]


(A) h

(B) f

(C) e

(D) a

(E) g

(F) d

(G) c

(H) b

2. c

3. d

4. a

5. d

6. a




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