(A) 人間の精神状態が環境に大きく左右されてしまうのは直感的に理解できるし,あまりにも自明なことのように思われるが,それを科学的に証明するのは実際のところ容易ではない。しかもそれが健康状態と密接な関係があることを立証するとなると事はいっそう複雑である。
You can intuitively understand that human mental state is greatly influenced by the environment and this seems very self-evident, but actually it is not easy to prove it scientifically. And it is even more complex to prove that there is a close relation between the environment and human health.
/ It is intuitively understood and seems too apparent that our mental state is greatly affected by our environment, but actually, it is not easy to prove it scientifically. And when it comes to proving that it is closely related to the state of our health, things become even more complicated.
/ We can understand with our intuition that our state of mind is strongly influenced by our surroundings, and it seems all too obvious. However, it is in fact far from easy to demonstrate this in a scientific way. And it is still more intricate to prove that it has a close relationship with our physical condition.