Ⅰ 次の英文(A)と(B)を読み,それぞれの下線部の意味を日本語で表しなさい。
(A) The advantage of the scientific approach over other ways of knowing about the world is that it provides an objective set of rules for gathering, evaluating, and reporting information, such that our ideas can be refuted or replicated by others. This does not mean that intuition and authority are not important, however. Scientists often rely on intuition and assertions of authorities for ideas for research. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with accepting the assertions of authority as long as we don't accept them as scientific evidence.
(B) Animals that are active at night usually have large eyes that let them make use of any available light. With owls, the eyes are so big in comparison to the head that there is little room for eye muscles, meaning owls can't move their eyes. Instead, owls must move their entire head to follow the movement of prey. However, having fixed eyes gives owls better focus, with both eyes looking in the same direction. And even though it seems that owls can twist their head completely around, most owls turn their head no more than 270 degrees in either direction.
(A) 幼稚園でほんとうに自由遊びをさせている幼稚園は,保護者の評判が悪いんです。「先生がなんにもしてくれへん」と言うて。ところが,ほんとうに子どもに自由に遊ばせている先生というのは,すごいエネルギーがいるんです。子どもはいろんなことをするから,危ないと思いながら,ずっと見守っていなければならないでしょう。これは,ある程度,腹がすわってないとできない。
(A) 世界を科学的に知ろうとすることの,それ以外の方法に勝る利点は,それが情報を集めたり,分析したり,報告したりするための一連の客観的なルールを提供してくれることであり,そうすることで他人が自分の考えに反論したり,再現したりすることができるのだ。しかし,だからといって直観や権利が重要ではないというわけではない。
(B) フクロウの場合,頭に対して目があまりにも大きいため,頭の中に目の筋肉のためのスペースがほとんどなく,その結果フクロウは目を動かすことができない。そのかわり,フクロウは獲物の動きを追うために頭全体を動かさなければならない。しかし,固定された目を持つことによって,フクロウはより良く焦点を合わせることができる。というのも,両目が同じ方向を向いているからだ。
(A) It takes a lot of energy for teachers to let children play completely freely. They always need to watch children carefully, being worried, because children do many things.
/ It takes a great deal of energy for a teacher to let children completely freely. As children do various unexpected things, she is probably afraid that something dangerous might happen. But she patiently has to keep watch over them all the time instead of helping or stopping them.
/ A teacher who allows children to play really as they like spends an enormous amount of energy in doing so. While he knows children try many different things, including risky ones, he must restrain himself from controlling children and watch over them all the time.
・…, such that ~「その結果~となるように」(=in such a way)