2016年度 東北大学 Ⅳ 和文英訳 解答例







[松田美佐『うわさとは何か ― ネットで変容する「最も古いメディア」』]


(A) The Internet is sometimes criticized as a "gathering place of rumors", for it is full of irresponsible comments and false information. However, given the characteristics of the Internet as one of media, this idea is not so easy to agree with.

 / The Internet is sometimes criticized as a "nest of rumors" because it is full of irresponsible remarks or false information. Considering the characteristics of the Internet as a medium, however, this perception[perspective] is hard to approve. 

 / Since we see many irresponsible statements and false information on the Internet, we sometimes criticize it as a "sink of rumors." However I can't accept this point of view so easily when I take the characteristics of the Internet as a medium into consideration.

(B) as the use of the Internet becomes more common, the way information flows, to which the mass media has been central, will change, and as a result human relationships and the structure of society itself will also change.

 / As the Internet becomes more widely used, the flow of information, which has been under the control of the mass media so far, will change, with the result that human relationships and social systems themselves will also change.

 / With the widespread use of the Internet, the flow of information, in which the mass media have been playing a central role so far, will change, and thus human relationships and social systems themselves will also change.


・「巣窟」sink / nest / den / hotbed

・「無責任な」irresponsible / reckless / careless / thoughtless


  • 1000 / 1000