2013年度 千葉大学 解答例


Ⅰ [出典:M. Chengap, "'Remarkable' Hawking turns 70, defying disease," The Japan Times Weekly. January 14, 2012]

問1 ALSと診断された大半の人は数年以内に亡くなるが,ホーキングは50年近く生き続けているという点。

問2 Stephen Hawking

問3 他人とコミュニケーションを取るのにひどく時間がかかること。

問4 その病気は,ホーキングの場合,たいていの人よりも進行が遅い。

(問題文:the disease has progressed less rapidly in Hawking than in most )

問5 DNA samples

問6 しかし,ルー・ゲーリッグ病であるからといって,私はとても魅力的な家族を持てなかったわけでも,仕事で成功できなかったわけでもなかった。

(問題文:Yet it has not prevented me from having a very attractive family and being successful in my work. )

問7 I try to lead as normal a life as possible

問8 彼は病気がもたらすすべての問題を回避するすべを苦労の末に見つけてきた人なのだ。

(問題文:This is someone who's managed to find ways around every single problem the disease has thrown at him. )

Ⅱ [出典:D. Brooks, The Social Animal. 2011 ]

問1 between

問2 現代の研究は,すべての現象は時計のようなものであり,機械的な道具や標準的な技術を使って測定することができるふりをしようとしている。

(問題文:it tries to pretend that every phenomenon is a clock, which can be evaluated using mechanical tools and regular techniques. )

問3 自分が直面している問題。

問4 これらの人々は,とても頭が良いにもかかわらず,もしバカだった場合よりも,さらに成績が悪かった。

(問題文:These people, who are quite smart, performed worse than if they had been stupid. )

問5 (d) useless

問6 (c) mathematics

問7 知恵とは,特定の事実に関する知識や,ある分野についての知識を持つことから成り立つわけではない。それは知識の扱い方を知ることによって成り立つのだ。

 / 知恵とは,個別の事実を知っていることや,ある分野の知識を持っていることではない。知識をどう扱えばよいのかが分かっていることなのだ。

(問題文:Wisdom doesn't consist of knowing specific facts or possessing knowledge of a field. It consists of knowing how to treat knowledge. )


① c) complicated

② k) quickly

③ h) mathematically

④ b) claim

⑤ i) measure

⑥ e) connection

(1) Because of the way she pronounced it, [ people misunderstood where she wanted to go ] and put her on a train to Torquay, which is a small town by the sea in southwest England.

 / [ those whom she asked misunderstood her about the place she wanted to go ]


(2) [ She didn't think she (had) made a mistake ] because when she asked the other   passengers, "Does this train go to Turkey?" they always said "Yes."


(3) Instead she could only see [ the same kind of stores and churches as she had seen in London ].


(4) Finally, [ she began to wonder where she really was ].

 / [ she started to wonder where she actually was]


(5) Now she is back in Japan, and [ she practices pronouncing English (even) harder than before ].

 / [ she practices her English pronunciations even harder than before ]



・consist of ~「~からなる,~である」




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