2020年度 千葉大学 解答例



(1) Her hair is [ twice as long as ] it used to be.

(2) [ No matter how cold ] it is, she never wears a coat.

(3) I [ would not have been able ] to finish the task if you had not helped me.

(4) Would you [ mind not eating ] in here?

(5) I couldn't [ make myself understood ] by the man in the shop because I couldn't speak French well.

(6) These trousers would [ go well with ] that shirt.

(7) He [ took it for granted ] that he would get the job because his mother ran the company.

(8) My brother speaks English very well, but [ when it comes to ] his writing, it's terrible.

(9) I'm afraid the elevator is [ out of order ].

(10) You should be careful [ so as not to ] break the glass.


(1) trouble at[in] a

(2) What happened

(3) not that bad / not so bad / not too bad

(4) no idea what

(5) if she could[would] speak

(6) had to do / needed to do / wanted to do

(7) any use learning / any point learning

(8) go so[as] far as 

(9) getting used to

(10) might have had

Ⅱ [出典:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal experience ]


(1) healthier

(2) achieving

(3) bought

(4) random

(5) accomplish


(1) Not Given

(2) False

(3) False


(1) D

(2) G

(3) B

(4) F

Ⅲ [出典:Heather Murphy. "She Doesn't Feel Pain. Now We Know Why." The New York Times. March 30-31, 2019 ]

問1 her body didn't experience pain

問2 不安の度合いを測るアンケートにおいて,彼女は落ち込んだ経験や恐怖を感じた経験を思い出すことができず,自分はとても幸せだと答えたから。

問3 肉が焼ける匂いがしたり,夫が血を見つけたりして初めて,彼女は何かがおかしいことに気が付くということがよくあった。

(問題文:it often took the smell of burning flesh or her husband identifying blood for her to notice something wrong.)

問4 彼女の遺伝子データは,痛みを感じずに生きていると知られている他の人々の遺伝子データとは似ていなかった。

問5 遺伝子の異常を抱えた人を研究することによって,新薬や新しい治療法が開発されたという前例があることを示すため。


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