(1) 楽しいはずの海外旅行にもトラブルはつきものだ。たとえば,悪天候や自然災害によって飛行機が欠航し,海外での滞在を延ばさなければならないことはさほど珍しいことではない。いかなる場合でも重要なのは,冷静に状況を判断し,当該地域についての知識や情報,さらに外国語運用能力を駆使しながら,目の前の問題を解決しようとする態度である。
(2) 人と話していて,音楽でも映画でも何でもいいが,何かが好きだと打ち明けると,たいていはすぐさま,ではいちばんのお気に入りは何か,ときかれることになる。この問いは,真剣に答えようとすれば,かなり悩ましいものになりうる。いやしくも映画なり音楽なりの愛好家である以上,お気に入りの候補など相当数あるはずであり,その中から一つをとるには,残りの全てを捨てねばならない。
(1) Trouble often comes with foreign travel, which is usually supposed to be fun. For example, it is not rare that your flight is canceled because of bad weather or a natural disaster and you are forced to extend your stay in a foreign country. The important thing in any case is your determination to solve the problem in front of you, judging the situation calmly and using the knowledge and information about your destination and your ability to use a foreign language.
/ Traveling abroad, which should be fun, generally involves some trouble(s). For example, it is not very unusual for you to have to stay longer in a foreign country because airplanes don’t fly owing to bad weather or a natural disaster. The important thing in all cases is that you calm down, judge the situation, and try to solve the problem you are facing, by making full use of your knowledge and information about the area, and by using your foreign-language skills.
/ You cannot travel abroad without running into trouble, although an overseas trip is supposed to be pleasant. For instance, bad weather or some natural disaster can sometimes prevent your plane from departing, which can make you extend your stay overseas. What is important in all cases is to look at the situation in a relaxed way and to try to deal with the trouble at hand by making full use of your knowledge and information about the district and your skills of foreign languages.
(2) In a conversation with someone, when you reveal that you like something such as music, movies, or anything else, you will usually be asked at once about which your favorite one is. This question, if you try to answer it seriously, can be very difficult to answer. If you are a lover of movies or music at all, you are sure to have a large number of potential favorites, and so, in order to choose one, you must give up all the rest.
/ You can seldom talk with someone and confide that you like something – music, movies, or anything else – without being asked in no time which piece or movie you like best. If you think about this question seriously, you’ll find it very difficult to answer. If you love movies or music at all, you will naturally have a lot of favorite films or abandon all the other favorites.
・「いやしくも」=「仮にも」if ~ at all