2012年度 京都大学 Ⅲ 和文英訳 解答例



(1) 人間の性格は見かけよりも複雑なので,相手のことが完全に分かることなどあるはずがない。とは言うものの,初対面の人物とほんの少し言葉を交わしただけで,その人とまるで何十年も前からつきあいがあったかのような錯覚に陥ることがある。こうしたある種の誤解が,時として長い友情のきっかけになったりもする。

(2) 私の意見では,現代の若者は性別を問わずに自分で調理できることが大切である。料理をおいしく仕上げるためには豊かな想像力や手先の器用さが要求されるので,心身の健康にとても良い。食材に意識的になれば自然への関心も高まる。さらに,料理で友人をもてなすことができると,あるいは人と共同して料理ができると,絆が深まることは間違いない。


(1) Because human character is more complex than it appears, you cannot understand other people completely. Having said that, only a short conversation with a person whom you have first met sometimes makes you feel as if you had known the person for some decades. This kind of misunderstanding can sometimes lead to a long-term friendship.

 / Human character is more complex than it seems, so it is impossible to understand other people completely. However, after a few words with someone you have met for the first time, you sometimes have an illusion that you have known that person for decades. Such a misunderstanding can sometimes develop a friendship that will last for a long time.

 / Since one’s personality is more complicated than you might think, you cannot fully understand another person. For all that, just a short conversation with a stranger sometimes makes us feel as if we had known that person for many years. In some cases, this kind of misconception can lead to a beginning of long-lasting friendship.

(2) In my opinion, it is important for young people today, male or female, to be able to cook for themselves. It takes rich imagination and great dexterity to make delicious food, so cooking is good for your physical and mental health. When you become aware of food materials, you will be more interested in the natural environment, too. In addition, if you can treat your friends to your food or cook together with someone, there is no denying that you can strengthen your relationship with them.

 / In my opinion, it is important for today’s young people to be able to cook for themselves, regardless of gender. Cooking is very good for your physical and mental health, because it is necessary to have a good imagination and skills with the hands in order to prepare delicious dishes. If you become aware of ingredients, you will take more interest in nature. In addition, if you can entertain your friends with your home cooking or if you can enjoy cooking with someone, you certainly become closer to them.

 / I think it is important for young people today, whether they are men or women, to learn to cook for themselves. In order to cook nice food, you have to be imaginative and skillful with your hands, which keeps your mind and body healthy. If you care about the foodstuffs, you become more interested in nature. Moreover, it surely strengthens your bond with your friends to be able to entertain them with the dishes you cooked, or to be able to enjoy cooking together with them.


・「人間の性格」human character / personality

・「とは言うものの」having said that / however / for all that / nevertheless

・「器用さ」dexterity / deftness / being skillful

・「食材」a food material / ingredients / foodstuffs

・「(…で)~をもてなす」treat ~ to … / entertain ~ with …


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