2015年度 京都大学 Ⅲ 和文英訳 解答例



(2) 世界には文字を持たない言語がたくさんあるらしい。毎日文字に囲まれて暮らしている私たちからすれば,さぞ不便なことだろうと思ってしまいがちだ。しかし,文字があろうがなかろうが,ことばの基本的な働きに変わりはない。文字のある言語のほうがない言語より優れているなどと考えるのは,とんでもない思い上がりだろう。


(2) There seem to be many languages which have no letters in the world. We can’t help thinking it very inconvenient to do without letters because we are surrounded by letters in everyday lives. However, it doesn’t matter to the basic functions of language whether it has letters or not. It will be a big mistake to think that languages with letters are superior to those without them.

 / I hear there are many languages without any letters in the world. To us who live every day surrounded by letters, such languages seem to be very inconvenient. However, whether a language has letters or not, the basic functions of languages are the same. If you think that a language with letters is better than one without letters, you’ll be said to be very arrogant.

 / There seen to be a lot of languages with no writing systems in the world. We tend to regard those languages very inconvenient, for we live every day among letters. But there are no differences in basic functions between languages with letters and ones without. The idea that the former is superior to the latter would be quite inflated.


・do without ~「~なしでやっていく」

・「思い上がり」a mistake

・「思い上がる」be arrogant / be inflated


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