2019年度 慶應義塾大学 医学部 Ⅳ 自由英作文 解答例


Give one or two examples of behavior you consider to be bad manners. How do you feel when you see people engaging in such behavior in public? Write about 100 words in English on this topic.


 I think smoking in a public place is one of the worst manners and I have several reasons for that. First, smoking is bad not only for smokers’ health but also for that of those who happen to be around them. Tobacco smoke makes a really bad smell, so I often feel sick when someone smokes close to me. Second, some smokers throw a cigarette butt out on the street after they finish smoking it, which makes public places dirty and causes a fire in the worst case. For these reasons, I feel unpleasant when I see someone smoking in public. (101 words)


・happen to V「たまたま~する」

・cigarette but「吸い殻」




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