2015年度 青山学院大学 文学部 解答例


1. ④

2. ③

3. ①

4. ①

5. ③

6. ④

7. ②

8. ④

9. ②

10. ②

(1) 彼は社会の上流階級の人々の偏見にはほとんど注意を払わず,常に彼らの仲間に入りたいと望んでいたが,それと同時に,なぜ自分は決して仲間にはなれないのかを理解していた。

 (問題文:He paid little attention to the prejudices of high-ranking people in society, always wanting to become one of those people and yet always understanding why he could never be one of them.)

(2) 実際,歴史を通じてこそ,私たちは本当の自分を見ることができるのだ。過去を研究すること自体を目的として,事実を解明するだけでは十分ではない。過去を自分に関連付けて見ることが必要なのだ。

 (問題文:Actually, it is only through history that we can see ourselves as we really are. It is not enough to study the past for its own sake and work out the facts; it is necessary to see the past in relation to ourselves.)

(1) Recently, we have often been experiencing heavy rains and droughts around the world. Some people predict that unless we take an immediate action against such unusual weather, our living environment will get even worse.



11. ④ This is [ without doubt the highest building in ] the whole city.

12. ⑥ Having taken more than a year to prepare, Tom [ is excited about his cake shop ] being opened in his hometown.

13. ③ Thank you very much for the information, but I have [ nothing on which to write it ] down now.

14. ① My friend Eric is so handsome that, if you saw him walking down the street, you could [ be forgiven for assuming he was ] a famous movie star.

15. ⑤ The first person to write major works of literature in ordinary educated English was Daniel Defoe in the 18th century, and it is remarkable [ how little the English language has ] changed since.

 I would have a part-time job in a bookshop and I have two reasons for that. First, I like reading books and magazines, so I would like to get the latest information about their publication. Second, I would like to become acquainted with people who like books like me. (49 words)

 (問題文:次の設問について,50語程度の英文を書きなさい。If you could do any part-time job, what would it be? Give reasons for your answer.)




16. ② folded

17. ④ Despite

18. ③ Whoever

19. ③ of

20. ④ have failed

21. ① considered

22. ② in

23. ④ to have been

24. ① delay

25. ④ due


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