2001年度 慶應義塾大学 医学部 第4問 自由英作文 解答例


 次の文章を読み,最後に出されている問いに対して賛成あるいは反対の立場から,あなたの考えを60 ~ 100語程度の英語で述べなさい。


 Often all the people in a community may not agree with a law. There may be conflicts of beliefs and feelings. A common type of conflict occurs when the needs of desires of the majority of the community conflict with those of a minority in the community. For example, a community may decide that it would be a good idea to build a park in the middle of the town so that young children would have a playground, everyone would have a place to picnic, and people would have a place to walk their dogs. But in order to make the park, the town would have to use land on which there are several houses and businesses. The owners would have to sell their houses and businesses to the town. Most communities have a law that gives the town the right to buy private property for public use. But, of course, the people who would have to sell would not be happy. Is it right for the community to make people leave their property?


 I don’t think it is right for the community to make people leave their property. Instead, the community should explain to the inhabitants about its plan and ask them to sell their property to it. To do so, it also has to pay as much money for their land and house as they wish. If it does so, all the people living in the town will agree with the public use of land. (73 words)




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