Let us imagine: The Japanese government does not approve the education budget for the 2003-2004 academic year. All universities and colleges in Japan will therefore be forced to close for one year, from April 2003 to 31 March 2004. Write an essay of 150-175 words in which discuss your plans for some other ways to spend this year.
If all universities and colleges in Japan closes for one year, I will do several things during that year. First, I will travel around the world to see many people and places. I will be able to learn a lot from them, and that will be as useful in my life as going to university. Second, I will have a part-time job and that is because I can earn money while gaining wide experience. With that money, I can do what I want to, and such experience will help me to decide what kind of jobs to get in the future. Third, I will study by myself. It is not always necessary for us to go to university or college in order to study something. We can do it alone, and we need to learn how to do it. These are my plans for a year when universities and colleges are closed. (152 words)
trip: ちょっとした距離の短い旅行から長期の海外旅行にまで幅広く用いられる一般的な語。
journey: 通例陸上の比較的長い旅行を表す。(米)では文語的に響く。
travel: 主に長距離の旅行を表す。目的地よりも移動や旅行自体に重点がある。遠方への旅行を示す際は複数形で用いることが多い。
tour: 見学や視察などを目的とし,各地をめぐり元の場所へ戻るような旅行を表す。また,コンサートツアーの意でも用いられる。
・「アルバイトをする」have a part-time job / work part-time
・「幅広い経験を積む」gain[get, acquire] wide experience
・「経験を広める」widen[broaden] one’s experience