2018年度 早稲田大学 法学部 Ⅶ 自由英作文 解答例


Do you prefer printed books or e-books?   In a paragraph, explain your answer giving at least two specific reasons. (解答欄:18 cm × 9行)


I prefer printed books to e-books, and I have two reasons for that.  First, what I have read in a printed book is more likely to remain in my memory than what I have done in an e-book.  I think this is because I remember it not only with my eyes but also with my hands, holding the book and turning the pages.  Second, when I read a book in print, I can write in it anything that I want to.  For example, I can underline the words which I find important, and I can make a note next to them.  This will also help me to memorize the contents of a book.  On the other hand, I cannot do any of these things in a digital book.  For these reasons, I like printed books better than e-books. (138 words)


・remain in one’s memory「記憶に残る」


・make a note「メモを取る」( = take a note)

 「個人的な簡潔な記録」→ note ※内容的に豊富なものを指すときは通例複数形

 「備忘・伝達・業務用のメモ」→ memorandum / memo

・the contents of a book「本の内容」




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