1. e・d Here [ is the book that you ] said you had lost.
2. e・b There is a lot [ of room for improvement in ] the speech you have just given.
3. f・d Max never says [ anything unless he is spoken ] to.
4. f・a [ Would you like another cup ] of coffee?
5. d・e Some [ friends of mine took a ] trip to Canada last summer.
6. d・b My father often took me [ to the zoo as a ] child.
1. fresh
2. obvious
3. expensive
4. measure
5. nothing
6. budget
1. (b)
2. (b)
3. (a)
First of all, playing baseball is not dangerous at all. If you are careful enough, you cannot get hurt while playing it. Second, you cannot stop me from joining the baseball club just because I am a girl. If you dare to stop me, you must tell Tim to give up playing soccer, too. (54 words)
(1) d
(2) c
(3) d
(4) d
(5) a
1. d
2. d
3. c
4. a
(1) 現代の西洋的生活の忙しさや時計への依存,そして我々が追われているように感じている絶え間ない時間のプレッシャーは,たった100年前に生きていた人にとっては,おそらくまったくもって不思議なものだっただろう。
(問題文:The fast pace of modern Western life, our reliance on clocks and the constant time pressure we seem to find ourselves under would probably be absolutely puzzling to someone living just a hundred years ago.)
(2) スーパーマーケットやお店における子供の行動について調べたある研究では,都会に住む平均的な子どもは,小さな町に住む子どもよりも2倍近く速く歩き,またお店の物に触れている時間も著しく短いということがわかった。さらに,店員やほかの客と会話をする時間も,小さな町に住む子どもたちのたった3分の1しかなかった。
(問題文:In one study of the behavior of children in supermarkets and stores, the average city child was shown to walk nearly twice as fast as children in small towns and to spend significantly less time physically touching objects in the store. Additionally, the time spent interacting with clerks and other shoppers was only a third of that of children from small towns.)
1. b
2. a
3. d
4. d
1. a
2. d
3. b
人間は家に対して様々な価値観を含んだ「我が家」という概念を付与し,また家の構造は文化を反映したり健康に影響を与えたりする。 (61字)
Even though some people like reading a book, few people love reading a textbook. That may be because learning materials cannot be full of humor. To make formal contents of textbooks familiar is one of the functions of illustrations.
・「学習教材」 learning materials / teaching materials
・「ユーモアたっぷり」 full of humor / humorous
・「堅苦しい」 formal
・「親しみやすい」 familiar
・「挿絵」 illustration
・「役目」 function / purpose / role