2024.07.22 04:512024年度第1回 英検1級 要約問題 解答例【設問】●Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.●Suggested length: 90 - 110 words In the mid-1990s, around a third of the world's population lived in urban areas. By the 2010s, that proportion had risen to more than half, and it continues to grow. The city of Dhaka in Bangladesh had a...
2024.07.21 07:352024年度第1回 英検1級 英作文問題 解答例【設問】●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.●Give THREE reasons to support your answer.●Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion●Suggested length: 200 – 240 wordsTOPICWill governments be able to keep up with increasing energy demands in the future?【解答例】 I think that governments will be able to keep up with increasing energy...
2024.07.13 09:352024年度第1回 英検準1級 英作文問題 解答例【設問】●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.●Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer.●Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion●Suggested length: 120-150 wordsTOPICIn urban areas, should the government encourage vacant land to be used for farming?POINTS●Costs●Pollution●Population●Technology【解答例】 I agree with the ...
2024.07.13 01:592024年度第1回 英検準1級 要約問題 解答例【設問】●Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.●Suggested length: 60-70 words Schools in some countries have often supplied free lunch to a limited number of their students. These meals tend to include a variety of foods, including salads and desserts. Nowadays, there are programs ...
2024.07.03 01:302024年度 富山大学 文系学部 第3問 英作文 解答例【設問】第3問1. 次の日本文の内容を英語にしなさい。「お金で幸せを買うことができない理由は,いったん物質的豊かさがある程度まで達成されれば,人は別の何かを求め始めるからである。幸福の源として家族との絆を重んじる人は多い。」2. 家族の絆以外にどのようなことが,あなたの人生に幸せをもたらすと思いますか。また,それはなぜですか。1行10語を目安として2行以内の英語であなたの考えを書きなさい。【解答例】1. The reason why you cannot buy happiness is that once you achieve material affluence to some extent, you start to look for some...