2023.04.30 01:302022年度 京都工芸繊維大学 Ⅲ 自由英作文 解答例【設問】Ⅲ Write your opinion about the statement below, providing concrete examples and reasons. You must write your answer in English and in approximately 150 – 200 words. You should not ask for advice from other people. The solutions other people suggest are never useful to you.【解答例】 I disagree with this statement. I have two reas...
2023.04.23 22:402022年度 明治大学 文学部 解答【解答】Ⅰ(あ) blood(い) air(う) hands(え) active(お) learn(か) leaveⅡ(ア) length(イ) probability(ウ) inexpensiveⅢ [出典:Leah Price. What We Talk About When We Talk About Books: The History and Future of Reading (New York: Basic Books, 2019)](1) (ア) B (イ) E (ウ) A (エ) B(2) (あ) E (い) B (う) D (え) A(3) B(4) A(5) D(6) C(7) E(8) B(9) CⅣ(1) (ア) D (イ) ...
2023.04.19 03:132023年度 東京工業大学 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答例【解答例】Ⅱ [出典:Ben Green, The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2019: 63-66.](1) アルゴリズムは,もし警察だったら見つけるのに何週間あるいは何か月もかかるであろう犯罪パターンを,瞬時に特定できるであろう。(和訳文:an algorithm could detect patterns of crimes that would otherwise take the police weeks or months to catch.)(2)...
2023.04.12 08:412022年度 立命館大学 薬学部 V 解答【解答】V〔1〕(A) ② donations(B) ③ procrastination(C) ③ Dissolve(D) ② genuine(E) ② predicament〔2〕(A) ③ polar(B) ① delightful(C) ① adapt(D) ④ dominate(E) ④ threatening
2023.04.04 23:302016年度 東京都立大学 都市教養学部 第2問 和文英訳 解答例【設問】2 次の文章を読み,下線部(1),(2)を英語に訳しなさい。 I am intensely envious of the weightless astronauts. (1)彼らは水の中の魚のように,宇宙船のなかをやすやすと動き回る。 They converse naturally among themselves, one of them "head up" and the other "head down." It seems that man adjusts to the absence of weight. (2)しかし長い進化の歴史において,我々は一度もそのような無重力状態で生活したことはないのである。【解答例】(1) They m...
2023.04.03 23:512017年度 東京都立大学 都市教養学部 第2問 第3問 解答例【設問】3 次の文章を読み,下線部を英語に訳しなさい。 The Brandons and Mr. Grant found speech extremely difficult as they went downstairs and into the drawing-room. Mrs. Brandon didn't really mind being called a fool, a name which her aunt had freely bestowed upon her on various occasions, and confessed very simply in her own heart that she was one. 人々がヘ...
2023.04.02 08:242022年度 中央大学 商学部 V 英作文 解答例【設問】Ⅴ Many high school students like to eat at fast food restaurants. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Discuss both sides in your essay. Write more than 80 words in English on the answer sheet.【解答例】 One of the good points of fast food restaurants is that you can eat fast. Fast food restaurants are everywhere t...