2024年度 筑波大学 解答例


 [出典:Michael C. Corballis (2003) "From Hand to Mouth: The Gestural Origins of Language," Language Evolution, edited by Morten H. Christiansen and Simon Kirby, pp. 201-218, Oxford University Press]

1. 物体や行動を指すシンボルから構成され,相手への依頼を表せる。(30字)

2. ヒトが石器を使い始めて脳が増大し,アフリカから移動し始めたことが,思考力と計画力の発達を示している。(50字)

3. 言葉を話すためには,舌をコントロールすることが重要だから。(29字)

4. A (since)


① C (Teaching Language to Apes) 

② D (Hominin Evolution) 

③ B (The Emergence of Homo, and a Cognitive Advance)

④ A (Why Speech Arrived Late)

6. A→E→D→C→B

 [出典:Judson Brewer (2021) Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind, pp. 15-17, Avery, New York.]

1. C (In fact)


(a) 道路を車が激しく往来しているという状況。(20字)

(b) 道路を渡る前に左右を確認するという行動。(20字)

(c) 安全に道路を横断できるという帰結。(17字)

3. 過去に経験したなかで現在の状況と似ている出来事を基にシミュレーションを行う。(38字)

4. 未来を正確に予測するための情報が前頭前皮質において不足しているために不安が生じること。(43字)

5. その感染症の感染力がどれほど強くて致死性が高いのかを正確に知り,それに適切に対処するため。(45字)

6. D (stories of fear / feelings of fear / elements of fear)

7. A (control)

[A] [出典:Ian Bremmer, "How the World Must Respond to the AI Revolution," Time, May 31, 2023]

(1) ⑤・① (It will give untold numbers of people, including generations not yet born, [ powerful tools their ancestors never imagined ].)

(2) ⑥・① (In recent years, social media has made it [ tougher to tell fact from fiction ].)

(3) ②・④ ( Anyone with a laptop and basic programming skills already has access to AI models far more powerful than those that existed even a few months ago and [ can produce large volumes of content ].)

[B] [出典:Robert Sanders, "Sleepless and Selfish: Lack of Sleep Makes Us Less Generous," Berkeley News, August 23, 2022]

 I agree with the above statement that sleep quality and quantity could affect my helpfulness and generosity toward others. When I have not slept enough, I often feel very depressed, irritated, and impatient next morning. The other day, for example, I couldn’t sleep well and I got unkind to my brother and sister. So, I think sleep quality and quantity play a very important role in our maintaining good social relationships with each other. (74 words)


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