Ⅴ [出典:Hal R. Varian. "Economic Scenes; You've seen the movie. Now just exactly what was it that John Nash had on his beautiful mind?" The New York Times. April 11, 2002.]
1. d (conceived)
2. c (diametrically opposed)
3. b (an idealization)
4. a (describes)
5. a (irrelevant)
6. b (mythical)
7. d (Whether people choose to act according to the Nash equilibrium depends on the circumstances they are actually facing.)
8. e・f (Under the Nash equilibrium, each player makes the best choice given the other players' choices.・In Mr. Goeree and Mr. Holt's experiment, let R=30. If Jacob chooses 250 and Charles chooses 210, Jacob's payoff is 180.)