Ⅰ [出典:Kate Golembiewski, "Your Doppelganger Is Out There and You Probably Share DNA With Them," New York Times, August 23, 2022.]
(1) (A) difference especially between things that should be the same
(2) (D) tendency to occur the most likely
(3) (D) error caused by ignorance, bad judgment or inattention
(1) (I) pass
(2) (E) immediate
(3) (B) drawn
(4) (D) identical
(5) (L) reverse
(6) (H) overall
(7) (N) switched
(8) (J) pulls
(9) (F) luck
(10) (O) unreasonable
(11) (M) strong
(12) (C) glimpse
(13) (A) caution
(14) (K) reinforce
(15) (G) means