2023年度 岩手大学 第2問 解答例


(1) 「正直は最善の策」(Honesty is the best policy)ということわざについて,あなたは賛成か反対か,具体的な経験や思いつく事例をあげながら80語程度の英語で答えなさい。なお,この問題は英語の作文力を問う問題であり,答えの内容を評価する問題ではありません。

(2) 次の文章を英語に訳しなさい。




 I think that the proverb is not always true. Of course, being honest is important, but we sometimes need to tell a lie in order to remain on good terms with our family, friends or partners. For example, if your partner makes dinner for you but it doesn’t taste good, you had better not tell them your true feeling. Rather, you should tell them a lie, praising their dishes. For this reason, I think honesty is not always the best policy. (80 words)


 Long ago, human beings created myths to explain the world. Then, we developed science. Now, few people regard myths as important. We use science to look at small parts of the world, and to understand how they work. So, science cannot explain everything in the world. For this reason, myths are important to us both because they show us the world as a whole and because their stories are interesting.


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