3 [出典:Shirakawa, M. (2021). Understanding the real impact of the 'Nixon Shock'. Nikkei Asia.]
(21) b (By suspending the dollar's convertibility into gold at a fixed price of $35 an ounce, and also imposing a surcharge on imports plus freezing wages and prices.)
(22) d (The function of a specific currency as a global currency can be measured by how widely it is used in foreign trade, international debt issuance and major international payment systems, and the degree to which it features in official foreign reserves.)
(23) c (Rather, it seems to have increased over the past decade, despite a decline in America's GDP share of the world economy.)
(24) c (Under the Bretton Woods system, the growing demand for dollars was satisfied by the widening U.S. balance-of-payments deficit, which put a strain on U.S. gold reserves.)
(25) d (Most advanced economies opted to pursue free capital movement and autonomous monetary policy by giving up fixed exchange rates.)
(26) b (But today, judging from the interest rate configurations in many countries, nations are seemingly not enjoying autonomous monetary policy, with interest rates either at or near zero in all advanced economies.)
(27) a (Do they really believe zero percent is the most desirable interest rate for their own economics?)
(28) b (Their main concerns for Europe and Japan seem to be about the possible exchange rate appreciation of their own currencies in case they raise interest rates.)
(29) b (The choice for many countries - at least for advanced countries - is not a trilemma but a dilemma between free capital movement and autonomous monetary policy.)
(30) a (This is still a journey in progress.)