2 [出典:Curtiss, Susan, “What Happens if You Are Raised Without Language?” The Five-Minute Linguist: Bite-Sized Essays on Language and Languages, Third Edition, ed. by Myrick Caroline and Walt Wolfram, 65-67, Equinox, 2019]
問1 言語というものは,幼少期に我々の頭の中で労せずして発達するものであり,我々を人間たらしめる上で非常に重要な役割を果たしている。
(英文:which develops in our minds so effortlessly in early childhood and plays such a central role in defining us as human)
問2 (2) エ (sometimes) (3) ウ (concerning) (4) エ (stepped in) (5) イ (clear) (8) エ (skilled) (10) ア (basic)
問3 第一言語を習い始めるのが遅く,文法の習得に必要な神経機能などが正常に発達しなかったため。(44字)
問4 カ・オ ( In contrast, [ children without hearing are not as handicapped as ] Genie.)
問5 イ (a crucial period of time in which children can acquire the grammar of a language, after which further grammatical development becomes much more difficult)
問6 ウ (vocabulary / grammar)
問7 ア・オ・キ (Chelsea did not start learning language until her thirties. / Like people who are raised without language, deaf people can learn new words regardless of the age at which they are exposed to language. / Young deaf people who had begun learning a sign language n a Deaf community managed to develop it into a grammatically rich language.)