2023年度 千葉大学 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答例


 [出典:Y. N. Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Harper, 2015), pp.250-253]


(1) Observations and mathematics (Observations and mathematics are central to modern science's search for new knowledge.)

(2) revolution of ignorance (Rather than being a revolution of knowledge, the Scientific Revolution has been a revolution of ignorance.)

(3) oral traditions (Before the Scientific Revolution, people believed that all essential knowledge was contained in not only religious writings but also oral traditions, and that if people studied these sources, they would be able to access that knowledge.)

(4) evidence (Now, scientists agree that even accepted theories would need to be revised if new contradictory evidence were found.)


(1) B (inadequate or incomplete)

(2) C (modern-day science has left us still ignorant about important topics in different scientific fields.)

(3) D (economics is a field of knowledge about which we do not yet have a full understanding.)

(4) B (in the same way in different cases)


(1) F (Modern scientists create theories, then make observations, and then use the observations to develop new technology.)

(2) T (In medieval Europe, Christianity did not prevent people from studying by themselves.)

(3) F (The theory of evolution is not accepted as true.)

(4) NG (Because people now accept that they do not know everything, they rely on technology too much.)


・問1(4)において空欄直後が were となっているのは,この英文が仮定法で書かれているため。したがって,空欄には不可算名詞である evidence を入れても問題はない。 



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