2023年度 慶應義塾大学 薬学部 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答


 [出典:Based on Kayla Good and Alex Shaw in "Opinion", "Why Kids Are Afraid to Ask for Help", from Scientific American, February 14, 2022]

Q1 ① (a: assumed / b: assumption)

Q2 ② (classmate)

Q3 ② (creative)

Q4 ⑤ (Children who are less than four years old often report their successes modestly, since they are concerned about their reputation in relation to others.)

Q5 ③ (hesitance)

Q6 ② (It is important for children to understand the educational value of asking questions.)

Q7 ② (commenced)

Q8 ③ (Adults should seek good strategies for children not to think that asking for help means lower abilities.)

Writing Answer Question

In fact, kids sometimes go so far as to cheat at simple games in order to look smart.


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