2021年度 一橋大学 経済学部 後期日程 解答例


Ⅰ [出典:The Apology Impulse by Sean O'mera and Cary Cooper, Kogan Page Ltd.]

(1) あなたがメニューを見つめている時に,その従業員が心からあなたに同情している可能性はゼロに近い。

(和訳文:The odds of that server genuinely empathizing with you as you stare at the menu are slim to none.)

(2) 業務上の過失,すなわち商品の欠陥や配送品の紛失,出発の遅延などの日常的な過失は理解されやすく,それに関する謝罪も普通は受け入れられやすい。ただし,その結果がそこまで深刻なレベルに達していないのであればだが。

(和訳文:Operational failures, those everyday errors like defective goods, missing deliveries, and late departures, are easy to understand and the associated apologies are normally easy to accept – given that the consequences fall below a certain level of severity.)

(3) 文化的な過失はその組織の本質的な価値観に原因があるという事。(30字)

(4) 顧客の不満を解消されるための謝罪は見せかけのものなので,注目されないのは企業にとって好ましい事だから。(50字)

(5) 組織がわざわざ顧客の不満を解消させるための謝罪をしなくても問題はない。

(和訳文:The organizations might as well not bother.)

(6) 小売店が盗まれるのを十分に覚悟した上で高価な商品を展示して売上を伸ばそうとする一方で,飛行機の利用客が遅延の可能性を覚悟した上でサービスを購入しているように,売り手と買い手の双方とも取引によって生じうる損失を予め許容しているということ。(118字)


A. ホ (positive)

B. イ (better)

C. へ (same)

D. 二 (negative)

E. ロ (less)

(8) ロ (F (cultural) - G (operational) - H (operational) - I (cultural))

(9) compromise

② I believe that the proverb “A shoe is nothing without a foot” means that even if you have a good means to do something, it is useless if you do not know the right way to use it or the purpose which you use it for. For example, no matter much money you may have, it doesn’t mean anything at all unless you know what to do with the money. So, if you are to make the most of your good means, you have to use it for some noble end, or it is as meaningless as you have nothing in the first place. I think this is what the proverb means. (112 words)

(設問:Choose one of the proverbs below and explain in English what you believe it means. Your explanation should be 100 to 140 words in length. Indicate the number of the proverb you have chosen. Correctly indicate the number of words you have written at the end of the composition.

① If you sleep in a river, you will wake up in the sea.

② A shoe is nothing without a foot.

③ Even butterflies get angry.)


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