2022年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 解答


(1) c

(2) e

(3) d

(4) b

(5) a

(6) b

(7) e

(8) d

(9) b

(10) e

Ⅱ [出典:Students Look Abroad for Internships, The Wall Street Journal on February 11, 2018 by Cheryl Winokur Munk]

(1) d

(2) a

(3) c

(4) b

(5) a

(6) e

(7) c

(8) b・d

Ⅲ [出典:Macron Condemns Napoleon's Restoration of Slavery, 200 Years Later, The New York Times on May 5, 2021 by Roger Cohen]

(1) a

(2) c

(3) d

(4) c

(5) b

(6) a

(7) c

(8) a・d

Ⅳ [出典:How Stocholm became the city of work-life balance, The Guardian on May 22, 2019 by Richard Orange]

(1) c

(2) a

(3) c

(4) a

(5) a

(6) d

(7) c

(8) b・f

Ⅴ [出典:The digital currencies that matter, The Economist on May 8, 2021]

(1) a

(2) c

(3) b

(4) c

(5) a

(6) d

(7) e

(8) b・e


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