2018年度 千葉大学 Ⅲ 解答例



1.The table was too heavy for Charles to lift.

  Charles was ( strong ) to be able to lift the table.

2.I think my hair needs cutting. I'll go to the hairdresser's tomorrow.

  I think I ought to ( my ). I'll go to the hairdresser's tomorrow.

3.Roy and I enjoy each other's company a lot.

  Roy and I ( get ) really well.

4.Provided that you listen to Theresa carefully, you'll understand.

  As ( as ) you listen to Theresa carefully, you'll understand.

5.It is ten years since I last smoked.

  I ( for ) ten years.


1.同様の意味になるように,主語を Laura とする文に書き換えなさい。

  People think that Laura paid too much.

2.同様の意味になるように,引用符(" ")を用いないで発言内容を伝える文に書き換えなさい。

  "I'll probably see you later," said William to Mary.


  I'd prefer you not to smoke in this room.

  I'd rather (   ).



1.not strong enough

2.have my hair cut

3.get along

4.long as

5.have not smoked for


1.Laura is thought to have paid too much.

2.William told Mary that he would probably see her later.

3.I'd rather you didn't smoke in this room.


A(5)を I haven’t been smoking for ten years. としてはいけません。

もし,「私はこの10年間たばこを吸い続けています」という意味の肯定文であれば,I have been smoking for ten years. というように smoke を進行形にすることによって「動作の継続」を表しますが,「10年間たばこを吸っていない」という意味の否定文にする場合は,進行形にしてはいけません。なぜなら,「動作の否定は状態を表す」(=「たばこを吸うという『動作』が継続している」のではなく,「たばこを吸っていないという『状態』が継続している」)からです。そのため,ここでは smoke を「状態動詞」として捉え,あえて進行形は用いずに I have not smoked for ten years. とするのが正しいのです。





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