2021年度 北海道大学 第3問 自由英作文 解答例


 The text describes two different fields of university subjects: liberal arts subjects and practical majors, such as business, engineering, etc. In your opinion, which field should be considered more important in the near future? Write a 70-100 word paragraph, providing two specific reasons to support your opinion.


 I think both are almost equally important, but when you are at university, you should study liberal arts subjects rather than practical majors. I have two reasons for my opinion. First, you need to have the knowledge of liberal arts subjects in order to learn more specialized and practical majors. Second, you cannot have enough time to study liberal arts subjects after you have got a job. For these two reasons, you should more focus on liberal arts subjects during your college days. (83 words)


・during your college days「大学在学中に」




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